Finally confirmed total number of people that will be going to Cambodia, and that’s 11, 1 less than the total number of Air Asia air tickets booked. The only one that misses the trip is Ciline who is unable to take leave due to changing to new job. This have already exceeded my expectation that initially only expect 8 people to go. Anyway, this is already the largest group I ever join since the trip to Taman Negara Malaysia where the group consisted of 24 persons about 6 years ago.
San Yew has just told me that Sim Joo has confirmed to get her passport by Tuesday afternoon, a day before our departure. She initially couldn’t found her expired passport, and have a scare that Malaysia Immigration Department unable to process her new passport in the usual 1-day time frame due to I-not-so-understand reason. Another surprise package is Chung Khoon who will be going alone.